i feel deep sadness and compassion when i see old people playing slots in casinos.
iamcontentnow. – 2024/07/28
jolly rodger. – 2024/07/27
campcoffeeclub. – 2024/07/26
rileys rips. – 2024/07/20
it’s wild that you just make whatever the hell you want on the internet.
i am one of the unwashed masses. a truly stinky singular mass. a real stank lump.
smell my link in bio.
dare me to add auto playing music to this site ala MySpace.
plz, i beg you. double doggie dare me.
smartphones aren’t the problem.
companies that build applications that hijack our chemical reward system to profit from our attention and limited time away from labour are.
there is a real gap between being the self i should be to be the most successful under capitalism i can be and self i want to be. truly at odds.