fleeting thoughts.

  • approached the part of my thirties where i really appreciate apple’s medications app 🤦

  • on a good path where im exponentially in love with the in the internet and critical of it.

  • never, coldplay. never.

  • thought a bud was going to start a fictional blog about falling in love with a llm. turns out it’s gonna be a song, but i want that long form content ala livejoural over sharing.

  • after taking a break from instagram, i really started to notice the pull the app has. like am the time. when im with friends. alone. doing anything. it’s kinda fucked.

  • back on the gram, what a love hate relationship i have with this dumb app.

  • feeling human again. was nice to take a few days to watch anime and play video games. even if i felt like shit.

  • a whole week without instagram. has it been transformational? not really. do i plan to have it on my phone again? not for a while at least. going to keep pushing people to move conversations off of it, keep it to twice a day on the desktop.

  • spend a lot of time watching leftist youtube, which is great, but sometimes i just need a city pop dj live set. just a little joy. nothing else.

  • watched the new scott pilgrim series. it is so much more than a remake. god damn.