fleeting thoughts.

  • smartphones aren’t the problem.

    companies that build applications that hijack our chemical reward system to profit from our attention and limited time away from labour are.

  • there is a real gap between being the self i should be to be the most successful under capitalism i can be and self i want to be. truly at odds.

  • i just wanna hang out, fuck with gender, and ride bikes. hbu?

  • the idea that spotify (and algorithms) forces musicians to become content creators instead of artists is causing my brain to melt and drip out of my ears.

  • inside me there are two wolves:

    one that is super fucking focused and good at stuff.

    and another that accidentally puts his keys in freezer.

  • crushing a blueberry, pineapple, ginger protein smoothie like the thottie ass bitch i am

    xoxo goblingirl

  • that last post was supposed to be a helpful guide about how to track expenses, then it turned into a body horror poem about consumerism.

    Just how the cookie crumbles sometimes.

  • i am the king of unsubscribing to email lists.

  • the life i get to live now would blow the fucking mind of my teenage self. we did alright, kid.

  • using 2-in-1 shampoo is gender affirming care for men.