fleeting thoughts.

  • summer cozy is ice cream cones and playing baulders gate 3 w/ my partner after midnight.

  • sometimes my office feels like such a liminal space, pretty much everyone went remote and every room is empty but full of desks, coffee machines, and places that are meant to be busy.

  • not sure if this is ~exactly~ cultural capital, but the values of different groups has a big effect on my perception of myself.

    with some groups feeling ambitious and wanting to improve myself is celebrated, while the culture of other groups makes me feel subconscious.

    is that even the culture of group or just my perception of what each group ~means~?

  • okay, i post on ig a lot, but allow me to complain a bit.

    why post selfies in front of cool shit? just post a picture of the cool shit.

  • is plex just an elaborate ruse to get folks to orangize their hard drives?

  • web apps > native apps

  • i feel deep sadness and compassion when i see old people playing slots in casinos.

  • it’s wild that you just make whatever the hell you want on the internet.

  • i am one of the unwashed masses. a truly stinky singular mass. a real stank lump.

    smell my link in bio.

  • dare me to add auto playing music to this site ala MySpace.

    plz, i beg you. double doggie dare me.