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unfucking the internet #5: falling off the wagon

I’ve been pretty bad at this lately.

YouTube is back on my phone. I removed the check-in on instagram so I could check it more. My screen time is generally fucked again. Still subbing for Duo though, so at least I am learning a little Japanese while I spiral into a digital hell.

So ya, I got to get back on track.

I guess I’ll start by removing YouTube from my phone again. I was watching a little on Firefox, but it quickly became overan with Alt-Right content and Jordan Peterson videos. So I reinstalled the app, but now it’s too easy. I am watching it all the time. Brushing my teeth, eating breakfast. I think I’ll stick to watching it on desktop for you. Problem (maybe) solved.

Instagram is still the kicker. I love it and use it all the the time. I think I need to turn on One Sec to provide interruptions again.

Okay I re-installed it and set it up. It was annoying as hell, but I guess that’s the point.

They say in therapy that progress is not a straight line, I guess unfucking the internet isn’t either.